Sunday, December 26, 2010

Research forecast: In the end of 21 century the sea level will rise 30 to 70 centimeters

According to foreign media reports, Britain, China and Denmark, studies have shown that in the 21st century sea level rise than the century, 30-70 cm, geological engineering and control of greenhouse gases can alter this process.
Scientists have found that since 1993, the average global sea level rise of 3 mm per year, and this trend is growing. Not long ago, there are about Maldives, threatened by rising sea levels associated reports. Reported that the International Space Station astronaut recently filmed Male Atoll, Maldives Islands, a close-up photograph of the Republic of Maldives is a vivid description of sea level rise by one of the countries most threatened. More and more reports like these. Sea level rise in the end what is it? The results show that sea level rise of half of all the oceans, caused by thermal expansion, while the other half is caused by the melting glaciers. But in the past 40 years, ocean due to absorption of heat in the atmosphere increased by about 27 degrees temperature, causing sea level rise which is the main reason.
National Oceanography Centre (Jevrejeva) Dr said global warming is the main reason for sea level rise, which will be on the people living in low-lying coastal areas affected, these areas include some of the world's largest countries affected by the number of about 1.5 million.
Most scientists agree that human-induced carbon dioxide is the main cause of global warming, therefore, carbon dioxide emissions are strictly controlled, the sea-level rise could be avoided.

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